
Divina Proportione, manuskrypt Urbinate Latino 1419, Biblioteca dei Duchi di Urbino

Ensemble Bella Gerit
nr katalogowy
BG 0307
The complete recording of Urbinate Latin manuscript 1419 from the the library of the Dukes of Urbino (sec. XV) in the Court of Federico Da Montefeltro. The Urbinate Latin manuscript 1419 contains music fragments. Its incompleteness is the equivalent of a sketchbook, perhaps the first outlines of a painting. Musicians, when approaching this music for performance, rather than an attempted scholastic reconstruction of the works, can decide to look at the creative process behind the sketches and allow themselves to reflect upon the artistic spirit which characterized the era in question. Urbino was a hub of Renaissance creativity. It gave us a never-ending list of poets, architects, mathematicians and creators of precision tools between the XIV and XVIII century. Within the library sit great masterpieces from Piero della Francesca, Leon Baitista Alberti, Luca Pacioli who all dedicated their written theoretical works and laid the foundations for the arrival of a new era. This is where the Urbinate Latin manuscript 1419 resides, a modest manuscript in size sitting amongst its contemporary but containing the same ambitious spirit.
Muzyka klasyczna
Bella Gerit
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Divina Proportione, manuskrypt Urbinate Latino 1419, Biblioteca dei Duchi di Urbino

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 58,00


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