Bruckner, Anton

Bruckner: Symphonie VII

Altomonte Orchester St. Florian;
Ballot, Rémy
nr katalogowy
The most spacious main theme of symphonic history in sunny E major: Summer landscape, home, billowing wheat fields, shining baroque architecture. Wagner's death-throes, “breakthrough chord”, funeral music, loneliness, confidence, stairway to heaven. Once the 7th has conquered the world, the world returns to its source as a guest. Bruckner’s place of power, monastery St. Florian has its own space / time dimensions. “For Anton Bruckner, the world will not be ready until it has to flee to him.” (Ernst Kurth 1907). Come to the 7th, the thematic arc of the week. For an adventure trip. Just now. Find confidence in Bruckner’s 7th. If the 7th reflects a zenith in Bruckner's life, then in the concert of 2018 it is also an axis monument for the Bruckner Days and the history of interpretation: the world's first major Bruckner cycle from his home of St. Florian, with the Altomonte Orchestra and OÖJSO under Rémy Ballot – since 2013 award-winning: III, VIII, IX, VI, V – has now reached the middle of our long-term timetable with this year's VII: The “Gramola Bruckner Days CD Box” is already half full! Remy Ballot was born in Paris. While studying violin, music theory and music teaching at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris, where he completed his studies with a diploma, at the age of 16 Ballot met his mentor Sergiu Celibidache, under whose guidance he ultimately developed his own individual style. While still a student in Paris he founded his own orchestra made up of talented young musicians and with it was able to deliver the first public proof of his immense talent. To advance his artistic development Ballot moved to Vienna in 2004. Remy Ballot is guest conductor of numerous orchestras in Europa. Special ties connect him with the Festival Brucknertage St. Florian, where each year he rehearses and performs a symphony by Anton Bruckner.
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Bruckner: Symphonie VII

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