Scarlatti, Alessandro

Scarlatti: Serenate

Alessandro Stradella Consort;
Velardi, Estévan
nr katalogowy
CNT 21072
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) was the prolific composer of more than 800 cantatas. However, the majority of these compositions are unpublished and preserved in manuscript copy only. In this context, Maestro Estévan Velardi and Alessandro Stradella Consort will give life and exposure to two of Alessandro Scarlattis repertoire gems: the Serenatas Al fragor di lieta tromba and Bel piacere chè la caccia, First World recorded in this release on period instruments. The clamshell box with contains 2 CDs and a 100 pages volume edited by musicologists and Alessandro Scarlattis music scholars including the late Maestro Roberto Pagano, to whose memory the release is dedicated.
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Concerto Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Scarlatti: Serenate

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cena 119,00


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