Bigaglia, Diogenio; Gasparini, Francesco

Anonimo Venexian

d'Avena, Inês;
Ribeiro, Claudio
nr katalogowy
RAM 1905
La Serenissima’s imposing standing in music history is reaffirmed again and again through the continuous presence of some of its greatest composers and musical works in concert and radio programs throughout the world. Inês d’Avena and Claudio Ribeiro wanted to have a different look at the repertoire, discover ‘new’ music, and perhaps add a small, new piece to the musical puzzle. In the autumn of 2018, they spent forty days in Venice exploring a number of musical archives. Among their new finds – six anonymous manuscript sonatas per flauto as well as for solo harpsichord, displaying the melodic freshness and rhythmic vivacity that is so appreciated in this repertoire – is also a newly discovered work by Vivaldi, all presented here as a world premiere. The exciting result of their research was recorded at a historic venue, the Sala della Musica dell’Ospedaletto in Venice.
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data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Produkt nagrodzony:
MusicWeb International: 'Nominee for Recording of the Year' (2021)
MusicWeb International: 'Recording of the Year' (2020)
Anonimo Venexian

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