Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo

Kapsberger: Lute Works

O'Dette, Paul
nr katalogowy
HMG 507020
Such is the ravishing quality of O'Dette's lute and chitarrone, the delicacy of touch and subtlety of timbre that he brings to this music, and the sheer imagination and variety of the pieces themselves, that the ear is captivated throughout. The seventeenth century repertoire is tinged by O'Dette with a delicious melancholy throughout. This is among the most desirable of these reissues [hmGold series]. • Piers Burton-Page, International Record Review, May 2008
Muzyka klasyczna
Harmonia Mundi
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Kapsberger: Lute Works

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cena 60,00


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