
Meeting - Two Worlds of Modal Music

Vellard, Dominique;
Chemirani, Keyvan;
Zuckerman, Ken
nr katalogowy
HMC 905261
Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz

Music of the European Middle Ages and the North Indian tradition have common roots dating back far. Despite all the differences, this can still be seen in the organization of the tone stock in so-called modes. Internationally renowned specialists in the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and the traditional music of India venture to bridge the gap between cultures. Structure and improvisation, sensual melodies and complex rhythms, virtuosity and passion characterize the fascinating encounter of the two worlds. Dominiqure Vellard (tenor), Ken Zuckerman (lute & sarod), Swapan Chaudhuri (tabla), Keyvan Chemirani (zarb)


• Regis Gloriae (Conductus)
• Composition And Imprivisation In Dorian Mode (Composed By – Ken Zuckerman)
• Universi Qui Te Expectant (Gradual)
• Raga "Bhimpalashri" - Introduction
• Raga "Bhimpalashri" - Continued With Tabla
• Raga "Pahari"
• Alleluia, Angelus Domini
• Raga "Manj Khammaj" - Introduction
• Bontés, Sen, Valours Et Pris (Composed By – Jehan De Lescurel)
• Raga "Manj Khammaj" - Continued With Tabla And Zarb
• Persian Tabla / Zarb Solo
• Raga "Manj Khammaj" - Conclusion
• Raga "Bihag" - Introduction
• Raga "Bihag" - Continued With Tabla
• Istampita: Principio Di Virtu
• Virelais: Douce Dmour, Confortez Moi (Composed By – Jehan De Lescurel)
• Ven Querida
• Improvisation In Phrygian Mode
• O Splendissima Gemma (Composed By – Hildegard Von Bingen)
• Raga "Bhairavi" - Introduction
• Raga "Bhairavi" - Continued With Tabla
• Raga "Bhairavi" - Continued With Tabla And Zarb
Muzyka klasyczna
Harmonia Mundi
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Meeting - Two Worlds of Modal Music

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