Chédeville, Nicolas

Chédeville: Pieces for Hurdy Gurdy and Bass Op. 9

Nemeth, Pal;
Mandel, Robert;
Ensemble Le Berger Fortune
nr katalogowy
HCD 32540
Chédeville, active as composer, oboist, musette player, instrument maker and music publisher, came from one of the most important French families of musicians. His uncle Louis Hotteterre was probably his teacher; in the 1720s Chédeville already had a position as oboist and musette player at the Paris Opera. In 1832 he succeeded Jean Hotteterre in the royal oboe ensemble Les Grands Hautbois and became one of the most celebrated instrumentalists and composers in France. The collection op. 9 contains a number of character pieces written to represent "shepherds' music" in the city - typical examples of the programmatic French Baroque suite.
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Chédeville: Pieces for Hurdy Gurdy and Bass Op. 9

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