Bach, Johann Christian

Bach J.Ch: Amadis de gaule

Solamente Naturali;
Musica Florea;
Talpain, Didier;
Thébault, Hjördis;
Do, Philippe;
Velletaz, Katia
nr katalogowy
ES 1007
The premiere of Johann Christian Bach's opera Amadis de Gaule in Paris in 1779 was unfortunately overshadowed by the dispute between Gluckists and Piccinists, who each rejected the opera of the youngest Bach son, leaving Bach's masterpiece practically without consequences. The piece captivates with its skilful combination of Italian and French stylistic elements. The first complete recording on historical instruments makes good amends to this criminally neglected piece.

CD + książka
Muzyka klasyczna
Ediciones Singulares
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Bach J.Ch: Amadis de gaule

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cena 129,00


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