Krieger, Johann

Krieger: Love Songs and Arias

United Continuo Ensemble;
Kobow, Jan
nr katalogowy
CPO 777 433-2
On this CD entitled Ich habe mein Liebgen im Garten gesehen the United Continuo Ensemble together with the tenor Jan Kobow presents secular songs and sacred arias by the Nuremberg-born Johann Krieger, whose musical career was furthered above all by his brother Johann Philipp. They worked together at various courts until Johann was appointed music director in Eisenberg in 1680. In 1682 he became the organist and »Director Chori Musici« in St. John's Church in Zittau. The arias and songs from Krieger's collection Neue musicalische Ergätzlichkeit are based on texts by Christian Weise, a poet form Zittau whose works clearly depart from the bombast of baroque lyric and offer an excellent basis for little musical works of art. Krieger's musical formal language ranges from simple vocal settings of choral character through virtuoso coloratura song to concertizing compositional style. We have combined these fascinating and multifaceted pieces with sonatas from Philipp Friedrich Buchner's Plectrum Musicum.
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Krieger: Love Songs and Arias

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