Lully, Jean-Baptiste

Lully: Atys

Les Arts Florissants;
Christie, William
nr katalogowy
NBD 0132 V
Emmanuelle de Negri, Soprano
Stéphanie d’Oustrac, Mezzo-soprano
Bernard Richter, Tenor
Nicolas Rivenq, Baritone
Compagnie Fêtes Galantes
Jean-Marie Villégier, Stage Director

Jean-Baptiste Lully’s Atys, a tragédie en musique, became known as the ‘king’s opera’ due to Louis XIV’s fondness for it. The work stands as a testament to the Sun King’s courtly refinement, as well as his moves to make France the centre of European artistic culture. The opera’s themes of romantic dilemmas and ultimate tragedy, set amidst the poetic atmosphere of Ovid’s classical mythology, create the perfect vehicle for a narrative filled with dramatic intensity combined with a myriad of moving and expressive arias and duets. William Christie conducts this acclaimed production – hailed by The New York Times as being ‘as satisfying as it is bold’.
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Lully: Atys

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cena 125,00


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