Hersant, Philippe; Charpentier, Marc-Antoine

Charpentier: Messe à quatre chœurs; Hersant: Cantique

La Maîtrise de Radio France
nr katalogowy
FRF 066
In this illustration of the splendor of musical creation at the royal court of Louis XIV, two major French choirs and some twenty instrumentalists came together in the auditorium of Radio France to perform Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Messe à quatre chœurs, an example unique in France of a polychoral sacred work in the Roman style, and, in the same choral and instrumental configurations and spatial dimension, the Canticle of the three children in the fiery furnace by Philippe Hersant; based on the Book of Daniel.
Muzyka klasyczna
Radio France
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Charpentier: Messe à quatre chœurs; Hersant: Cantique

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