różni kompozytorzy

Baroque Christmas Cantatas from Central Germany Vol. 2

pełny spis kompozytorów
Schelle, Johann;
Liebe, Christian;
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich;
Rosenmüller, Johann;
Vogel, Gottfried
Sächsisches Vocalensemble;
Batzdorfer Hofkapelle;
Jung, Matthias
nr katalogowy
CPO 555 491-2
Central German Christmas Gems Vol. 2

Anna Stadler - Soprano Dorothea Wagner - Soprano Stefan Kunath - Altus Alexander Bischoff - Tenor Felix Schwandte - Bass

One of CPO's Christmas CD musts of the company's own production is the Mitteldeutsche Weihnacht (Central German Christmas) with the Sächsisches Vocalensemble under Matthias Jung (CPO 777 332-2). At the company's special request the same ensemble has now recorded a second selection of Christmas gems for cpo from one of the most important collections of Lutheran church music from the Fürsten- und Landesschule St. Augustin in Grimma in Central Saxony. The focus again is formed by festive, magnificent church cantatas (most of them including Christmas trumpet splendor) by composers from Central Germany who were famous musicians and held prominent posts during the years before and after 1700. To name only a few: Johann Schelle, Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, and of course Johann Rosenmüller; but the compositional skills of composers whose names are no longer remembered today such as Christian Liebe or Gottfried Vogel also inspire the greatest wonder among listeners.
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Baroque Christmas Cantatas from Central Germany Vol. 2

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