
American Stories

Pacifica Quartet;
McGill, Anthony
nr katalogowy
CDR 90000 216
Anthony McGill, New York Philharmonic principal clarinet and 2020 Avery Fisher Prize winner, and the multiple Grammy Award-winning Pacifica Quartet present an album illuminating experiences that have shaped America through works by Richard Danielpour, James Lee III, Ben Shirley (all three world-premiere recordings), and Valerie Coleman. McGill describes it as a project driven by the desire to “expand the capacity for art and music to change the world.”


• Coleman, V: Shotgun Houses
• Danielpour: Four Angels
• Lee III, J: Quintet for Clarinet & String Quartet
• Shirley: High Sierra Sonata
Muzyka klasyczna
Cedille Records
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
American Stories

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 58,00


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