Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mozart: Coronation Mass; Vesperae solennes de Dominica

Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks;
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
nr katalogowy
Katharina Konradi - soprano
Sophie Harmsen - mezzosoprano
Steve Davislim - tenor
Krešimir Stražanac - bass
Howard Arman - conductor

Mozart's "Coronation Mass" together with three more of his important sacred compositions: the "Vesperae solennes de Dominica", the "Epistle Sonata", and the offertory "Alma Dei creatoris"

Live recording of a concert performed on May 21, 2022 in the Herkulessaal of the Munich Residence

Howard Arman conducts the Bavarian Radio Chorus and the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, one of the most renowned orchestras in the field of historical performance practice
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BR Klassik
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EAN / kod kreskowy
Mozart: Coronation Mass; Vesperae solennes de Dominica

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 61,00


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