Couperin, François; Couperin, Louis; Couperin, Armand-Louis

The Couperin Family

Alard, Benjamin
nr katalogowy
MV 007
This latest MarchVivo release is a remastering of the concert given by Benjamin Alard at the Fundación Juan March on 1 February 2020 as part of a series entitled The Couperins at the harpsichord. The album focuses on the stylistic connections between different members of the most significant family in the history of the French Baroque: the Couperins. The harpsichord epitomised the intimacy and sophistication of salon music and, with the repertoire they composed for their instrument, the clavecinistes français helped forge a distinctive national style. This was renewed and enlivened by sucessive generations of the Couperin dynasty as they introduced innovative aspects of contemporary Italian style into their works, thereby creating an eloquent new idiom that was to have a lasting influence on the history of keyboard music.


•Louis Couperin: Suite a-moll
•Louis Couperin: Tombeau de M. de Blancrocher
•Louis Couperin: Chaconne
•Louis Couperin: Chaconne de M. Couperin F-Dur
•Francois Couperin: L'art de toucher le clavecin
•Francois Couperin: Le rossignol-en-amour
• Francois Couperin: La linotte effarouchee
•Francois Couperin: Les fauvettes plaintives
•Francois Couperin: Le carillon de Cithere
•Francois Couperin: Le petit-rien
•Francois Couperin: Les baricades misterieuses
•Armand-Louis Couperin: Pieces de clavecin Nr. 17 & 18
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The Couperin Family

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cena 79,00


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