Migot, Georg Elbert

Migot: Complete Works for Guitar

Celentano, Valerio
nr katalogowy
Georges Elbert Migot (1891-1976) was a prolific French composer but also a poet, often integrating his poetry into his compositions, as well as an accomplished painter. He won the 1921 Prix Blumenthal. As a youth he very quickly began to compose and, at age fifteen, he produced his first published work. In 1909, he entered the Paris Conservatory and studied with Jules Bonval (harmony), André Gedalge (fugue), Charles-Marie Widor (composition), Alexandre Guilmant and Louis Vierne (organ), Vincent d'Indy (orchestration), Maurice Emmanuel (music history). Migot was passionate about Renaissance and Baroque lute players and composers, with François Couperin and Jean-Philippe Rameau becoming important sources of inspiration.

His compositional aesthetics are based on a melodic-linear conception of music, where the function of the interval as the smallest part of the line itself is central. In this view, the overlapping lines tend towards complete interdependence: not polyphony but of 'polylinear' music (polynéaire), where counterpoint - renamed counter-linear (contre-ligne) and no longer constrained by academic rules – is liberated. The simultaneity of the lines results in the free resonance of the harmonics.

Included in this new recording are works for guitar solo and 2 guitars, a sonata for flute and guitar and Trois Chansons for voice and guitar.

Played by Valerio Celentano, who graduated in classical guitar with the honours from the Conservatory of Music “Giuseppe Martucci” in Salerno under the guidance of Antonio Grande. He has participated in several masterclasses with famous guitarists such as Alirio Díaz, Pavel Steidl, David Russell, Jyrki Myllärinen, Mario Gangi and Carlo Marchione. He studied for several years with Oscar Ghiglia and Frédéric Zigante. He won prizes in many international music competitions.


•Migot: Chansons (3) de joye et de souci de Pierre Moussarie
•Migot: Pour un Hommage a Claude Debussy
•Migot: Préludes pour deux guitares
•Migot: Sonata for Flute & Guittar
•Migot: Sonate à deux guitares
•Migot: Sonate pour guitare
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Brilliant Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Migot: Complete Works for Guitar

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