różni kompozytorzy

Ronsard et la musique

pełny spis kompozytorów
Dukas, Paul;
Poulenc, Francis;
Honegger, Arthur;
Saint-Saëns, Camille;
Lasso, Orlando di;
Gouvy, Louis Théodore;
Gounod, Charles;
Janequin, Clément;
Chaminade, Cécile;
Ibert, Jacques;
Casella, Alfredo;
Costeley, Guillaume;
Viardot, Pauline;
Goudimel, Claude;
Boni, Guillaume;
Phalèse, Pierre;
Pevernage, Andreas;
Le Blanc, Didier;
Chardavoine, Jehan;
Gardane, Antoine;
de Bertrand, Anthoine;
Zuljan, Bor;
de Monte, Philippe;
Clereau, Pierre;
Lacôme, Paul;
Durand, Jacques;
Groz, Albert;
Ravel, Maurice
Mauillon, Marc;
Doulce Memoire;
Raisin Dadre, Denis
nr katalogowy
Alpha 1069
2024 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ronsard, known as the Prince des Poètes, whose poems have been set to music more than four hundred times over the centuries. This programme has been curated by Denis Raisin Dadre and compares several settings of the same sonnet by 16th-century musicians (Gardane, Lassus, Castro, Bertrand, Costeley) and by such later composers as Charles Gounod, Camille Saint-Saëns, Paul Dukas, Maurice Ravel, Théodore Gouvy, Pauline Viardot and Arthur Honegger, all of whom were clearly seduced by the same Bonjour mon cœur and the famous Mignonne, allon voir si la rose some three centuries later. A truly fascinating playlist of songs inspired by a genius whose beau style bas, populaire et plaisant has stood the test of time. The musicians of Doulce Mémoire re-create the Renaissance settings here, whilst singer Marc Mauillon and pianist Anne Le Bozec perform the songs of the 19th and 20th centuries.



•Antoine Gardane: Chanson:
•Guillaume Boni: Chanson:
•Orlando di Lasso: Chansons:
•D'Entraigues: Chanson:
•Jean de Castro: Chansons:
•Andreas Pevernage: Chansons:
•Anthoine de Bertrand: Chason:
•Clement Janequin: Nature Ornant la Dame (Instrumental):
•Philippe de Monte: Chanson:
•Pierre Phalese: Allemande (Intrumental):
•Pierre Phalese: Allemande et Courante (Instrumental):
•Claude Goudimel: Chanson
• Jehan Chardavoine: Chanson
• Guillaume Costeley: Chanson
• Didier le Blanc: Amour Dis-Moi de Grace
• Pierre Clereau: Chanson
• Rinaldo Del Mel: Chanson
• Fabrice-Marin Caietain: Chanson
• Paul Lacome: Que Dites-Vous Mignonne
• Charles Gounod: Heureux Sera Le Jour
• Clemence de Grandval: Mignonne
• Jacques Durand: Esperance
• Camille Saint-Saens: Grasselette et Mairgrelette
• Camille Saint-Saens: L'Amant Malheureux
• Albert Groz: Les Amours de Marie op. 8
• Maurice Ravel: Ronsard A Son Ame
• Jacques Ibert: Chanson Du Depart De Don Quichotte
• Theodore Gouvy: Bon Jour;
• Theodore Gouvy: Que Dites-Vous, Que Faites-Vous, Mignonne
• Theodore Gouvy: Du Grand Turc Je N'Ai Souci
• Theodore Gouvy: Rossignol, Mon Mignon
• Pauline Viardot: Bon Jour Mon Coeur
• Paul Dukas: Sonnet
• Arthur Honegger: Chanson
• Arthur Honegger: La Terre Les Eaux Va Buvant
• Francis Poulenc: A Sa Guitare
• Cecile Chaminade: Mignonne
• Alfredo Casella: Sonnet
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
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Ronsard et la musique

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