Bach, Johann Sebastian

Johann Sebastian Bach: The Complete Toccatas BWV 910-916

Rousset, Christophe
nr katalogowy
AP 275
Premiera 2024-10-04

The toccatas are among Bach's early works. As the autograph manuscripts have not survived, their composition is dated between 1705 and 1712. They were subsequently compiled in a very varied collection and bear witness to the influence of northern masters such as Buxtehude. Above all, however, they are the place where Bach blossomed stylistically and gave free rein to his imagination, his freedom and his architectural and expressive genius. Christophe Rousset completes his exploration of Bach's magnificent corpus for keyboard instruments with this new, virtuosic and intimate recording.


• Bach, J S: Toccata in C minor, BWV911
• Bach, J S: Toccata in D major, BWV912
• Bach, J S: Toccata in D minor, BWV913
• Bach, J S: Toccata in E minor, BWV914
• Bach, J S: Toccata in F sharp minor, BWV910
• Bach, J S: Toccata in G major, BWV916
• Bach, J S: Toccata in G minor, BWV915
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Johann Sebastian Bach: The Complete Toccatas BWV 910-916

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