Vejvanovsky, Pavel Josef

Vejvanovský: Vesperae Sancti Venceslai

Štryncl, Marek;
Musica Florea
nr katalogowy
SU 3535-2
We publish hitherto unknown spiritual music from the Kromeriz archive. Its author is the famous Czech baroque composer Pavel Josef Vejvanovsky (c1640-1693), who in 1670 was the leader of the castle band of Olomouc bishop Lichtenstein-Kastelkorn in Kromeriz. For his time, the highly educated, prolific, multifaceted and stylistically progressive composer makes extensive use of effective instruments, especially trumpets, and the enthrallingly colorful and transparently clean boys' choir plays an essential part in the recording. The album is full of contrasts - structured vocal-instrumental music is interspersed with strident ascetic antiphons, giving the recording a mystical religious tone. In addition to the proven soloists and the already mentioned choir, the first-class artistic quality and historically informed stylistic concepts were provided by the Musica florea ensemble with artistic director and conductor Mark Stryncl.


• Gregorian Chant: Beatus vir qui suffert (Capitulum. Jac. I. b.)
• Gregorian Chant: Deus in adiutorium (Psalm 70) / Qui me confessus fuerit (Ant. 1)
• Gregorian Chant: Deus tuorum militum (hymnus)
• Gregorian Chant: Iste sanctus (Antifona k Magnificat)
• Gregorian Chant: Justus ut palma florebit (Versiculum & Resp.)
• Gregorian Chant: Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, Oratio
• Gregorian Chant: Oratio
• Gregorian Chant: Qui mihi ministrat (Ant. 3)
• Gregorian Chant: Qui sequitur me (Ant. 2)
• Gregorian Chant: Si quis mihi ministraverit (Ant. 4)
• Gregorian Chant: Volo, pater (Ant. 5)
• Vejvanovsky: Beatus vir (Psalm 112)
• Vejvanovsky: Confitebor (Psalm 111)
• Vejvanovsky: Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110)
• Vejvanovsky: Laudate Dominum (Psalm 117)
• Vejvanovsky: Laudate pueri (Psalm 113)
• Vejvanovsky: Magnificat (Cantium BVM)
• Vejvanovsky: Salve Regina
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata a 5, IV. 224, A 640
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata a 5, IV. 70, A 519
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata a 7, IV. 69, A 518
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata à 8 'Sancti Petri et Pauli'
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata laetitiae (A 5), IV. 11, A 471
• Vejvanovsky: Sonata vespertina, IV. 201, A 623
Muzyka klasyczna
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Vejvanovský: Vesperae Sancti Venceslai

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 75,00


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