Falconieri, Andrea

Falconieri: Canzone, Sinfonie & Fantasie (1650)

Maurette, Ariane;
Ensemble Isabella d'Este
nr katalogowy
PC 10248
Andrea Falconieri (c 1585-1656) was born in Naples and worked extensively throughout Europe. In his lifetime he was best-known for the light canzonette for voice and guitar, as well as for instrumental dances, but was well-versed in all genres of the time. After many adventures and much wandering, Falconieri was hired in 1639 as musician of theorbo and archlute"" in the highest institution of Naples, the Royal Chapel of the Palace. There he was later elected maestro to take the place of Trabaci who died in 1648. Il primo libro di Canzone, Sinfonie, Fantasie, Capricci, Brandi ..., his instrumental collection of 1650, is the only such collection printed in southern Italy during the era. The true `colour´ of the collection is derived from Falconieri´s experience with early lute suites and from Iberian-Neapolitan culture with a richness and variety of instrumental timbres.
Muzyka klasyczna
Pan Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Falconieri: Canzone, Sinfonie & Fantasie (1650)

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