Weckmann, Matthias

Weckman: Abendmusiken - Concerti Vocale, Sonate, Partite

Getchell, Robert;
Guillon, Damien;
Warnier, Eugenie;
Arnould, Benoît;
Ensemble Les Cyclopes
nr katalogowy
ZZT 110502
For its first collaboration with Zig-Zag Territoires, the ensemble Les Cyclopes, which includes among others the promising young singers Eugénie Warnier, Damien Guillon, Robert Getchell and Benoît Arnould, presents a musical portrait of the composer Matthias Weckmann, who was born in Thuringia in 1616 and died in Hamburg in 1674. • This programme consisting of three cantatas, two sonatas, a harpsichord suite and the chorale ‘Komm, heiliger Geist’ played on the organ of St Ludger’s Church, Norden, aims to illustrate the different facets of his output, the fruit of his eclectic training and the atmosphere of intellectual ferment and philosophical open-mindedness that reigned in seventeenth-century Hamburg.
Muzyka klasyczna
Zig Zag Territoires
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Weckman: Abendmusiken - Concerti Vocale, Sonate, Partite

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 79,00


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