Caplet, André

Caplet: Oeuvres pour vents

Ensemble Initium;
Wagschal, Laurent;
Quatuor Ardeo
nr katalogowy
1C 1202
André Caplet. Why is he treated differently from certain composers? Why are some entitled to ‘their’ disc, whereas others have to share one? • So it is for Caplet. Quite rare are the discs devoted entirely to him: his Quintet is often paired with Magnard’s, his Suite persane with other dixtuors, his Two Pieces sometimes included in flute-piano recitals, not to mention the quite unknown Légende with saxophone. • Timpani and Initium here present a disc devoted to Caplet’s music, bringing together the works for winds with all their sumptuous colours. For its third disc (following a complete Onslow recording, then Koechlin), the Ensemble Initium is complete here, joined by top-flight collaborators: Laurent Wagschal and the young newcomers, the Ardeo Quartet. • This programme will delight lovers of French music and all those who enjoy discovering new colours performed by an eminent ensemble.
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Caplet: Oeuvres pour vents

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 58,00


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