Rotem, Elam

Rotem: Rappresentatione di Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli - Joseph and his brethren

Profeti della Quinta
nr katalogowy
PC 10302
Using the musical language and context of the revolutionary musical dramas by Cavalieri, Caccini, and Monteverdi, the piece tells the story of Joseph and his brethren – one of the most touching stories of the Old Testament. The drama was composed by Elam Rotem especially for his ensemble Profeti della Quinta, and is set for five voices, instruments, and basso-continuo. The text is taken directly from the book of Genesis, sung in its original Hebrew (the booklet contains translations in English, French and German). As written in the preface to Emilio de Cavalieri's Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo (1600, Rome), the aim of music is to move the feelings of the listeners: ""mercy and happiness, crying and laughter"". The Rappresentatione di Giuseppe e i suoi Fratelli follows this ideal, aiming to stir the emotions of the listeners - even the doubtful ones."
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Pan Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Rotem: Rappresentatione di Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli - Joseph and his brethren

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